Thursday, April 25, 2013


I've been fighting a cold since Monday afternoon. Last night after barely making it into work I decided to call into today. Of course I don't feel much better but the day off was nice. I was able to bring Alanna to school which never happens. I just putzed around the house the rest of the day, fighting this cold, trying to do some much needed things around the house. So today I accomplished organizing two of my closets, which I think is great since my nose is running, I have a sore throat and an (it comes, it goes) earache. I should have taken a before picture but of course I was already into the project when I thought about it!

I still have some minor things to do but they are much happier closets now :) now if only I can get over this cold.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


A while ago I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. So my metabolism and hormones are off due to it. I'm especially tired these days, dealing with a goiter that changes sizes in my throat constantly which also makes me feel yucky sometimes, and sometimes I get tachycardia. I can't wait to be mediacted or worse surgery. I'm constantly asked when I'm gonna have another baby and it saddens me because right now that's not possible and it may never happen again. Praying it does and I'm not giving up on the possibility. Also, losing weight isn't a possibility right now either.

So, I'm patiently (not so much) waiting for my appointment May 6th with an endocrinologist to see what the next step is, which I was told from my MD it could be just medication or possibly surgery..especially because of the goiter. We'll see...hopefully its strictly good news in the future.

Don't take having a baby for granted. Even if you have one already don't assume having another will be easy. I have two close relatives and a best friend that is struggling and going through fertility treatments. I am very thankful for Alanna and really cherish the little moments with her at this age because I'm not sure I'll share that again with anyone else.
