Sunday, June 1, 2014

Why I Love my job as a Dental Hygienist

I really have an awesome job. I didn't want to be a Dental Hygienist right from High School. Actually it took me several years to figure it out. I went right to a community college to be a teacher...quickly figuring out that wasn't what I wanted to do. Then I transferred to a state college enrolled in the speech language pathology program. I finished that and applied to two graduate programs even though I wasn't 100% sure I loved it but didn't get accepted. 3 months after graduation I got married and 1 month after that we found out we were expecting a baby!! With only a bachelors in Speech, I couldn't get a job. I had to go back for my master's degree in order to practice and quite honestly I didn't want to do that. After speaking with a Dental Hygienist friend about her job, I started researching the program at a local community college. I immediately knew being a Dental Hygienist was for me. And I couldn't be happier with my decision.

I have so many great opportunities that come with being a Dental Hygineist and working at the office(s) that I do. I get to strictly work with children (which I always wanted to do). Every day I have the opportunity to educate children on keeping their teeth and bodies healthy. At an early age, they learn from me so many things: why we brush and floss, how to brush and floss, what foods are good and bad for their teeth, what the germs on their teeth do, what cavities are and how important good oral hygiene care is. 

                                                             Give Kids A Smile Day 2014

At the place I work, I was trained to be a dental assistant. Occasionally, I get to assist the dentists in fillings and extractions. Although, it's not my favorite thing to do (I enjoy doing hygiene above all) I get to see so much and learn a lot by assisting. My workplace is involved in a lot throughout the community. I am apart of our outreach/marketing program. I get to teach in classrooms about oral hygiene care, screen children in classrooms for cavities, and go throughout the community speaking about my job and educating others. I also help at fairs marketing my workplace. 

My job as a Dental Hygienist is great for all these reasons. Most of all, everything I do, it's all worth it when I get feedback from people. I taught at my daughters preschool a couple weeks ago and I've had parents coming to me or texting me about things their children are doing that they learned from me. The parents are happy with the things that their children learned from my presentation and it has made a positive impact in their homes with their children's oral hygiene care. Making a positive impact on children is the number one reason I love my job as a Dental hygienist. 

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